Crosslink Custom Speaker cable for Rel Subwoofers
$250.00 USDPrice is for one Subwoofer Cable
Cardas Custom Built Crosslink Speaker Cable by Moon Audio.
These Crosslink Rel Subwoofer Cables are built in-house by Moon Audio by hand, every day.
Rel Subwoofers require a custom configuration. On the Subwoofer side is the Neutrik Speakon Connection. This in turn is connected directly to the Binding posts on your amplifier. Note: Most amplifiers have 5-way binding posts. And thus if your main speaker cables utilize Spades then you will want to choose bananas for the Rel Sub cable. And vice versa if your speaker cables have Bananas then order the Rell cable with spades. It is never a good idea to stack spades as this will never give you a tight connection. If your amplifier will only accept bananas then ask us about our banana options that allow another banana to be inserted into the back side of the banana.
The importance of this cable is that you utilize what Rel calls the Active Bass Controller (ABC). This ensures a seamless integration between the subwoofer and the main speakers. It provides the exact same signal to the subwoofer that the main speakers receive. You will see the connection side for your amplifier has 3 connections. The Black (-) and White (+) heatshrink will be connected to the Left Channel and the Red (+) will be connected to the right channel. The right channel will have no ground connection.
For more information, you should consult your Rel Subwoofer Manual.